You might have noticed by now that we have changed the AWZ Website layout and added something real apart from the ‘Happy New Year..’ post we had posted 2 years ago. We were going to start a blog but never got to make it live from our local servers as we were busy serving our clients.
Now, that this never ending lockdown is going on, we might have actually got some spare time to upload our local copy, the one you’re seeing right now! Let us know your thoughts about our new layout in the comments. We could use you for testing some of our website functions.
The main reason we are writing this article (which must have been written by now as you’re already reading it) is that we found a utility web page we made long back. It’s “Is my website responsive?” which was made as a fun project for testing long back. We thought it might be useful for someone to check your website Responsiveness.
You can use this to check how your website looks in different screens such as a Desktop, Laptop, Ipad or Mobile. To check, go to the URL, type/paste in your website’s full address (including http:// or https://) and press ‘enter’ or click on the arrow. That will lead you to new window with the output as below:
It might be a bit outdated as the Apple devices in it. We are working on a new version which is expected to be finished soon. Suggestions and inputs are always welcome. Till then you can use the current version to find if your website is responsive or not.